Jul 29, 2019 | Accounting, Tax
What is Return? Every Australian resident, whether he is an individual or a business is required to file a tax return to the Australian Government. The statement includes all the particulars of profit and loss earned or lost by the assessee during the accounting year....
Oct 12, 2017 | Accounting, Salary, Tax
Small Business Tax Tips Looking for tax tips that could end up saving you a bun .. Looking for tax tips that could end up saving you a bundle? Here are some basic tax tips on deductions for small businesses that you can get started. Being self-employed or owner of a...
Sep 11, 2017 | Administration, Salary, Tax
Reasons to Move to Cloud Accounting As small business owners, you ar .. In order to prepare the financial statements, it is important to adhere to certain fundamental accounting concepts. Going Concern, unless there is evidence to the country, it is assumed that a...