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5 Benefits to Using Cloud Based Inventory Management Software

If you are still using inventory manag ..

If you are still using inventory management software that you have to install on each user’s computer, then you are missing out on some key benefits that the cloud has to offer. Whether you have one location or multiple locations, your business can always benefit from cloud-based software. Here are the benefits you’re missing out on!

1. Access for all users wherever you are.

The first, and most obvious benefit for any cloud-based solution is the ability to access your inventory software wherever you need it. Some scenarios in which cloud-based software comes in handy include the following.

If you have multiple locations, this will allow employees at your warehouse in Texas to enter valuable data for your salespeople in California.
If you have one location, this will allow employees traveling to a trade show in North Carolina to access data from your office in Oklahoma.
If you’re on vacation, this will allow you to easily check in on your business or run a quick report for your board from the beach on your laptop (although we do hope you’ll be relaxing not working).
As you can see, cloud-based isn’t just for businesses with locations worldwide. Even a single-office business can benefit.

2. Access for all users whenever you need it.

Have you ever thought of something you forgot to do before you left the office, but had to wait until the next day (or possibly over the entire weekend) to complete it? Or worse, maybe you forgot before you got back to the office?

With cloud-based inventory management software, you don’t have to wait until you’re back at your desk. You can sign into your account from home, check to see if you entered the last shipment’s manifest, and spend the rest of your evening or weekend relaxed that you took care of things.

3. No more backups.

Let’s say that you are running your business solo. You have your inventory management software on your laptop. You may not feel like cloud-based is something you need at this stage of your business.

But what happens if your laptop crashes? If you’re not keeping a backup of your inventory database, then you’ll lose all of your data. And even if you do keep a backup, you still have to deal with the headache of re-installing the software and importing your data. This option is assuming you can export and import with your software at all.

If your inventory management software is on the cloud, you won’t have to worry about losing your data. If your computer dies, you simply buy a new one, download the Internet browser of your choice, log in to your account, and all of your data will be right where you left it.

4. Scale quickly when more resources are needed.

When your business is growing it is important to ensure your staff has access to the software they need to fulfil and ship customer orders. For businesses using software that needs to be installed on each user’s computer, this can be a costly and time-consuming exercise.

Let’s say you hire new team members to keep up with the demand over the holiday season. Each new team member will need the software provisioned by your IT department, and a software licence purchased for their usage, before having a technician visit your business to install the software on their computer. For some businesses the increase in team members pushes their software to its limit, and if their inventory management solution is custom-built, it can take days before a suitable solution is available.

With cloud-based inventory management software, you only pay a monthly subscription fee, software is frequently upgraded at no additional cost to the user, and because the software is online, new users can be up and running on their software within the same day.

5. Streamline with other cloud-based solutions.

If you already use other cloud-based solutions for your business, adding cloud-based inventory management software to the mix will allow you and others in your company to access everything they need in the same environment.

Let’s say you already use Google Chrome to manage your store through Magento and then send invoices through Xero. If your inventory management software is cloud-based, then you can just open another tab to manage your stock as opposed to having to flip between two different programs.

Learn more benefits of cloud-based inventory management software.

As you can see, there are many advantages to using cloud-based inventory management software, whether you are a solopreneur or a multi-location business. To learn more about how cloud-based inventory software makes your business easier to manage, click here, orsign up for your FREE 14-day trial today!

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